Fish Curry with Tomatoes and Coconut Milk

This meal was easy to prepare and had the right kind of warmth for a cool fall evening. We bought the tilapia from Costco, which is not the best place to buy, but is the cheapest. Tilapia is listed as a sustainable seafood if farmed in the US. Try your local health food store or coop for best results. We bought the tomatoes from our local farmer’s market, and they are some of the last of the season as frost is hitting areas of Vermont pretty hard. This recipe is from Charmaine Solomon’s The Complete Asian Cookbook, which is a great compilation of recipe’s from Asia, organized by country. This is in the Sri Lanka section.


  • 1 pound of fish steaks (e.g. US farmed tilapia)
  • 1 t. ground turmeric
  • 1 t salt
  • oil to fry fish
  • 1 onion, roughly chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 2 t. freshly chopped ginger
  • 1 medium tomato chopped roughly
  • 2 T oil
  • 1 T curry powder
  • 1 t chili powder (I fried chili flakes in oil and then removed the flakes to prevent over spicing)
  • salt to taste
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • Green onions for garnish


If serving with rice, be sure to start before preparing this dish. We served it with brown rice. Wash and dry fish with paper towels. Rub turmeric and salt over steaks and cut into bite sized pieces. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry fish until golden brown on both sides. Drain.

Put onion, garlic, ginger and tomato in electric blender and blend to a smooth paste.

Heat oil in a saucepan and fry the blended mixture for a few minutes (if using chili flakes, fry these and remove flakes before adding mixture). Add the curry and chilli powders and about a teaspoon of salt, the coconut milk, and bring to a boil, stirring. Simmer for a few minutes, add the fish and simmer a little longer, taking care not to overcook the fish. Serve with rice and other desired dishes (we chose salad). I added green onions for garnish just before serving.